We want to hear from you about how you stay active! Whether it's playing a sport, going for a walk, run, swim, or bike ride, hitting the gym, or even dancing – we want to know how you move. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts in the 2025 Physical Activity Participation Survey.
About the Physical Activity Survey
Every 5 years for the past 15 years, Council has conducted the Sport & Recreation Participation Survey. The last survey was completed in 2019.
In the 2019 survey
- we heard from over 2,500 community members
- over 300 online responses
- over 400 third-party random phone calls
- paper-based surveys conducted by officers in public locations and targeted groups (community, schools, and other organizations)
- feedback helped Council to understand the needs of our community and allocate resources.
This year, we want to hear from you again about how often you engage in physical activity and what might be preventing you from being more active. Your feedback will help us understand the needs of our community, allowing us to allocate resources to the most in-demand activities and facilities, and address any barriers to participation.
The survey will run from Monday, 3 February to Sunday, 30 March 2025.

Have your say
Let’s get active together! Tell us how you are moving or what is stopping you.
Physical activities could include playing a sport, going for a walk, run, swim or bicycle ride, going to the gym or even going dancing. Basically, how you move!
The results will help your Council to understand the needs of our residents and direct resources to the activities, spaces, and facilities with the greatest demand and to overcome barriers to being active.
Why? We know that if you are physically active even a little bit it will improve your health and will make you feel better.
As an added incentive, when you complete the survey, you can go into the draw to win one of four $50 Coles / Myer vouchers, which will be drawn at noon on Wednesday 30 April 2025. Entry is optional. Terms and Conditions apply2025 Physical Activity Participation Survey
Share your thoughts on what makes you move by 30 March 2025.