About the Project

Every four years Council must develop a new Council Plan which outlines the key activities, projects and services which we will deliver. This plan is designed to help achieve our community's vision to be a home to all, and a city where you can enjoy and embrace life through celebration and equal opportunity.

At Greater Dandenong City Council our Council Plan also includes our Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan which highlights how we will improve the health and wellbeing of our community.

Over the last four months we have been asking what is important to you and how we can help make Greater Dandenong a city that is healthy, vibrant, innovative and creative. The next step in this process is the Community Panel.

Community Panel

The broad community consultation phase has now been completed and we are preparing a report on the feedback we have received in the last three months.

The next step in the community consultation will be the deliberative engagement process. An Our City, Our Future Community Panel will be formed and will meet from October - November to discuss the outcomes of the broad community engagement activities.

How will the panel be selected?

8,000 invitations will be sent to randomly selected residential and business addresses across Greater Dandenong from Wednesdya 14 August. Once the registration period closes on 8 September an external recruitment company will choose 40 people who are representative of our community to participate.

To hear about the experience of some of our previous panels watch the video below.


These activities have now closed