About the Project

Every four years Council must develop a new Council Plan which outlines the key activities, projects and services which we will deliver. This plan is designed to help achieve our community's vision to be a home to all, and a city where you can enjoy and embrace life through celebration and equal opportunity.

At Greater Dandenong City Council our Council Plan also includes our Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan which highlights how we will improve the health and wellbeing of our community.

From May to July we asked the community what is important to them and how can we help make Greater Dandenong a city that is healthy, vibrant, innovative and creative. We heard from over 3,000 residents and visitors to our city through surveys, events and community conversations.

We then created a community panel to help us focus on the key areas of importance. In August this year 8,000 invitations were sent to randomly selected households and businesses across Greater Dandenong, asking them to be part of this panel to help us create our new Council Plan. Over 120 people registered their interest and from this 40 people were selected who represent the demographics of our city.

The panel spent two days learning about Council, reading through the wider engagement report and hearing from guest speakers about many of the challenges facing Council and our community now and into the future. They then spent two days discussing what they had read and heard and came up with six recommendations for Council to consider implementing over the next four years.

What was important to our community?

Some of the key themes from our community consultation included:

  • Affordable housing
  • Climate change
  • Community safety
  • Council assets
  • Employment and education
  • Open space and trees
  • Social cohesion and connection

To read more about what we heard from our community and the recommendations from the Community Panel go to the Wider Engagement Report and Panel Recommendations Report in the Document Library on the right.

Videos from the Community Panel

Watch below for highlights of the first and final day of the Community Panel and some of the participants reflections.


These activities have now closed