We have drafted a concept design for the Sensory Trail at Tirhatuan Park in Dandenong North.

We are now seeking your feedback to help us shape the final concept plan which aims to enhance the park’s natural environment and create an accessible and inclusive sensory experience for visitors of all ages and abilities.

We would like to hear from our community, including:

  • People with disability, their families and carers
  • The disability sector
  • Environmental advocates.

The feedback we receive will be considered in the development of the final concept plan.

About the reserve

Tirhatuan Park is a large 20+ hectare recreation reserve located in Dandenong North.

The park features wetlands, native vegetation, and open spaces that provide important linkages between the Dandenong Valley Parklands and the Dandenong Creek Trail.

Project information

The project aims to create an inclusive and accessible sensory trail that enhances wellbeing and connection to nature.

It is designed to stimulate the senses through features like texture gardens, wind forests, and birdwatching stations, offering unique experiences for visitors of all ages and abilities.

The sensory trail will build on the park's existing features, such as the Dandenong Creek trail and wetlands, native vegetation, public art installations, wildlife habitats, and open spaces. These features will be integrated into the design of the trail.

The park is subject to flooding, therefore integrating the existing drainage infrastructure into the design will be an important consideration.

How will the project be funded?

The sensory trail is a large-scale project split into a number of different zones that may be delivered separately.

Currently there is no immediate funding available for the implementation of the project.

Funding is subject to future capital improvement bids being supported through Council’s annual budget process.

Opportunities to obtain grant funding will be explored.

  • What is a Sensory Trail?

    A sensory trail is a pedestrian journey along a designated route which provides stimulation of the senses. It provides opportunities for exploration, relaxation and education.

  • What are the senses?

    The five main senses are: Sight, Hearing, Smell, Touch, and Taste.

  • Who is a sensory trail for?

    A sensory trail benefits people of all ages and abilities.

    There is strong evidence that sensory stimulation helps with the mental and physical health of everyone.

Draft concept plan

Click on the hotspots for a description of the zone and to find out which senses are stimulated by the proposed elements and ideas

Draft concept plan

About the zones

Scroll through the images to see examples of ideas that could be considered in the design of the different zones (images are examples only)

What you can have your say on

  • Do you support the draft concept plan for the Tirhatuan Park Sensory Trail?
  • Do you have any feedback on the proposed ideas for a particular zone or zones?
  • What additional elements or improvements would you like to see included in the trail?
  • How can we improve the accessibility and safety of the trail?

What can't be changed

  • The existing boardwalk
  • The existing park furniture, shelters, and public art
  • The location of the existing water bodies and drainage infrastructure.

How to have your say

  • Participate via the short survey below
  • Come along to a community drop-in session
  • Email your feedback to openspace@cgd.vic.gov.au
  • Post your feedback to PO Box 200, Dandenong VIC 3175