About Shape Springvale

In recent years, Council has delivered the Springvale Hub and newly revitalised Springvale Boulevard. These projects celebrate the area’s rich cultural tapestry and provide a renewed sense of pride, which we hope the Springvale Revitalisation Action Plan will build upon.

The Springvale Revitalisation Action Plan (SRAP) has been shaped by invaluable input from the community and stakeholders, and aligns with the approved Springvale Activity Centre Structure Plan 2017.

This Action Plan encompasses a diverse array of cultural, economic and public realm initiatives.

  • Buckingham Avenue

    Celebrating people, place and culture.

    Community Priorities:

    • Activate the space through events, markets, public art, greening, busking and performance opportunities
    • Developing a plan for street closures that support accessibility, outdoor dining, events and activities
    • Work with businesses to support improved, vibrant outdoor dining initiatives
  • Multicultural Place

    A space which is vibrant, flexible and functional, servicing businesses and the community.

    Community Priorities:

    • Flexible outdoor dining, gatherings and events
    • Public Art installations
    • Improve sustainability in waste and recycling areas

  • Djeering Rail Corridor

    A space that supports a growing residential community and connects both pedestrians and cyclists into the central shopping precinct.

    Community Priorities:

    • Work with the State Government to activate the open space along the Queens Avenue rail corridor
    • Art installations at key points
    • Improve pedestrian and bicycle access from Springvale Activity Centre to Springvale Station, Djerring Trail and nearby community centres
  • Warwick Avenue

    Setting a new standard in mixed-use development.

    Community Priorities:

    • Develop a staged plan for the redevelopment of the current car park
    • Encourage and advocate for quality design outcomes
    • Improve signage, maps and lighting in laneways