This consultation is now closed.

Thanks for having your say.

A final concept plan will be developed based on the feedback received from the community.

About the project

A new pocket park is planned for 49 View Road, Springvale.

The new pocket park will provide an open space area for the community to enjoy.

The design retains the existing mature trees, whilst introducing new shade trees and garden beds into the park.

The key features of the design are:

  • a bench seat
  • a picnic table setting
  • shade trees
  • garden beds
  • pedestrian paths through the park.

The project aligns with the City of Greater Dandenong Open Space Strategy’s objective to enhance urban greening and create high-quality recreational spaces.

  • What is a pocket park?

    A pocket park is a small green space that provides an area for passive recreation, relaxation, and community gathering.

  • How will the project be funded?

    Currently there is no immediate funding available for the implementation of the project.

    Funding is subject to future capital improvement bids being supported through Council’s annual budget process.

Draft concept plan

Click on the hotspots for a description of the proposed features

Draft concept plan
Bench seat
Picnic table setting
Pedestrian paths