Greater Dandenong City Council has prepared Amendment C249gdan to the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme.
Greater Dandenong City Council is the planning authority exhibiting the Amendment.
The Amendment applies to 18 heritage places located in Greater Dandenong.
What the Amendment does
The Amendment proposes to make changes to the existing Schedule to Clause 43.01 Heritage Overlay and associated maps in the Greater Dandenong Planning Scheme to correct anomalies and mapping errors identified through a review of the schedule.
The Amendment proposes changes to 18 existing Heritage Places listed on the Heritage Overlay (HO) Schedule.
The Amendment is required to ensure the existing overlay is consistent with the Department of Transport and Planning’s Planning Practice Note No.1 Applying the Heritage Overlay and the Greater Dandenong Heritage Study Stage 1 (1998) and Greater Dandenong Heritage Study and Heritage Places (2003).
Specifically, the Amendment proposes to:
- Amend the Schedule to Clause 43.01 Heritage Overlay to correct the addresses and controls to 18 existing heritage places. Table 2 in the Explanatory Report indicates the heritage overlay number, address and specific changes proposed for each of the 18 existing HO places.
- Amend Planning Scheme Maps 1HO, 2HO, 5HO, 6 HO and 7HO to adjust the mapped extent of the HO places and delete three (3) heritage places listed in Table 3 in the Explanatory Report.
HO2 - Dandenong West Primary School, 32-34 Birdwood Avenue, Dandenong
HO3 - Noble Park Public Hall, 18-34 Buckley Street, Noble Park
HO5 - Foster Farm House, 10 Starling Mews, Keysborough
HO6 - Keysborough State School, 15/170 Chapel Road, Keysborough
HO12 - Keysborough Learning Centre, 402-418 Corrigan Road, Keysborough
HO15 - Dandenong Primary School (No.1403), 174-182 Foster Street, Dandenong
HO17 - Wanke House, 97 Gladstone Road, Dandenong
HO22 - Glen Alvie (Homestead), 66 Hutton Road, Keysborough
HO24 - Pemberton House, 11 James Street, Dandenong
HO25 - Oak Trees, 7-10 Janmara Court and 42-44 Rawdon Hill Drive, Dandenong North
HO27 - Dandenong General Cemetery, 17A Kirkham Road, Dandenong
HO36 - Old Dandy Inn (formerly the Bridge Hotel), 185-193 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong
HO44 - River Red Gums, along Memorial Drive road reserve, Noble Park
HO50 - Dandenong High School, 92-106 Princes Highway, 15-17 HIgh Street, and 2-4 Herbert Street, Dandenong
HO63 - Formerly McQuade’s Garage, 18-20 Scott Street, Dandenong
HO64 - Formerly Walker’s Bakehouse, 22-24 Scott Street, Dandenong
HO70 - Oak Tree, Springvale Civic Centre, 397-405 Springvale Road and 2-14 Grace Park Avenue, Springvale
HO77 - Springvale Church of Christ, 6 Windsor Avenue, Springvale
Amendment documents
Amendment C249gdan - Notice of the Preparation of an Amendment to a Planning Scheme - ExhibitionPDF (151.61 KB)
Amendment C249gdan - Explanatory Report - ExhibitionPDF (860.94 KB)
Amendment C249gdan - Instruction Sheet - ExhibitionPDF (156.88 KB)
Amendment C249gdan - Schedule to Clause 43.01 Heritage Overlay with Track Changes - ExhibitionPDF (197.25 KB)
Amendment C249gdan - Proposed New Schedule to Clause 43.01 Heritage Overlay - ExhibitionPDF (187.68 KB)
Where you may inspect the Amendment
The Amendment documents are available for public inspection, free of charge, during office hours at the Greater Dandenong Civic Centre, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong, or any of Council's Customer Service Centres.
The Amendment can also be inspected, free of charge, at the Department of Transport and Planning website at or by contacting the office on 1800 789 386 to arrange a time to view the Amendment documentation.
Current status
Public exhibition of Amendment C249gdan commences on Thursday 13 March 2025.
You can have your say on Planning Scheme Amendment C249gdan by making a written submission.
Submissions close on Thursday 17 April 2025 and must be received by Council by 5pm.
Make a submission
Any person may make a submission to the planning authority about the Amendment.
A submission must be made in writing and include the submitter's name and contact details.
Submissions must clearly state the grounds on which the submitter supports the Amendment, supports the Amendment with changes, or objects to the Amendment, and indicate what changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make.
You can make a submission by:
- Complete the online submission form below
- Email to (please include subject line; 'Amendment C249gdan - Submission')
- Post to City of Greater Dandenong, Amendment C249gdan - Submission, PO Box 200, Dandenong VIC 3175
- In person to one of Council's Customer Service Centres.
Privacy collection notice
Your personal Information is being collected by Greater Dandenong City Council for the primary purpose of processing your submission in accordance with the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and for related municipal purposes. The information may be disclosed to external consultants and referral authorities in order to assess your submission. It will not be disclosed to any other external party without your consent, unless required by law.
You may request a copy of your submission from Council’s Planning Team at any time. If you fail to provide any of the information required, Council will get in touch with the nominated contact on this form to request further information.
Greater Dandenong City Council is strongly committed to the responsible handling of your personal information and protecting every individual’s rights to privacy. Council is bound by the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001. Councillors and staff operate under these Acts, council policies and codes of conduct to ensure the organisation complies with legislation when handling your information. Individuals have the right to access their personal information held by Greater Dandenong City Council. In addition, you may request correction of your personal Information. For access, correction or further information on your rights to privacy, please contact Council’s Privacy Officer on 8571 1000 or email A copy of Councils Privacy and Personal Information Policy is available on Council’s website