This consultation is now closed.

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Council officers will now review the feedback from community consultation.


Greater Dandenong City Council provides over 100 services to improve the quality of life of all residents. We are drafting a Customer Experience Strategy, and we'll like to hear from everyone in our community what is important to you every time you use or interact with these Council services.

Our Customer Experience Strategy will be informed by our community and the people who work at Council.

We have undertaken a range of research and engagement touchpoints throughout 2023 and 2024:

  • In-person interviews with 400 residents
  • Customer experience benchmarking reflecting the experiences of 500 of our community members and comparisons with five similar councils
  • A Customer Experience Maturity Assessment with 16 Council Executives and Managers and five focus groups involving 25 Team Leaders and Coordinators
  • The 2024 Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey results.

What will guide the strategy?

  • Customer-centricity

    We listen to our customers, put them at the centre and use their insights to drive our channels and plan our services.

  • Customer led choices

    We serve our customers according to their preferences and offer more quality, accessible and contemporary channels to reach us.

  • Whole of service approach

    Our customers see Council services holistically, so we consciously collaborate across departments to deliver cohesive and common sense outcomes.

  • Expertise and trust

    We are proud of the service our people provide, and we invest in their skills and expertise, so they are trusted by the community and enjoy a good employee experience.

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